Business & Marketing (TC) – Spring semester
Business game 2 : making strategic decisions - Year 2
Modules objectives
ECTS Credits
Lectures courses
Tutorials hours
Practical work
Teaching language
Courses materials language
Purchasing - Year 3
Modules objectives
Purchasing as a profit center : cut tail spend and instances of maverick spend.
ECTS Credits
Lecture courses
Tutorials hours
Practical work
Teaching language
Courses materials language
Logistics and supply chain - Year 3
Modules objectives
ECTS Credits
Lecture courses
Tutorial hours
Practical work
Teaching language
Courses materials language
Business game : business development 2 - Year 3
Modules objectives
ECTS Credits
Lecture courses
Tutorial hours
Practical work
Teaching language
Courses materials language
International business : operations - Year 3
ECTS Credits
Lecture courses
Tutorial hours
Practical work
Teaching language
Courses materials language
Placement - Year 3
Modules objectives
ECTS Credits
Lecture courses
Tutorial hours
Practical work
Teaching language
Courses materials language
- wp_last_modified_info:
- 19 mars 2025 @ 2025-03-19T16:11:06+01:000000000631202503
- wplmi_shortcode:
- [lmt-post-modified-info]
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Modules objectives
- Continuation of Business game 1 (autumn semester)
ECTS Credits
- 3
Lectures courses
- 14 hours
Tutorials hours
- 0 hour
Practical work
- 0 hour
Teaching language
- English
Courses materials language
- English
[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title="Purchasing - Year 3" _id="214055"][kc_column_text _id="611469"]
Modules objectives
- The course focuses on how to implement requirements and processes around purchases to lower costs in the short term and how to codify clear rules for stakeholders to follow when buying goods and services.
Purchasing as a profit center : cut tail spend and instances of maverick spend.
ECTS Credits
- 3
Lecture courses
- 24 hours
Tutorials hours
- 0 hour
Practical work
- 0 hour
Teaching language
- English
Courses materials language
- English
[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title="Logistics and supply chain - Year 3" _id="422617"][kc_column_text _id="104538"]
Modules objectives
- Overview of International Logistics/Transportation and Incoterms® 2020 by a professional speaker. Lecture and teams case studies
ECTS Credits
- 3
Lecture courses
- 21 hours
Tutorial hours
- 0 hour
Practical work
- 0 hour
Teaching language
- English
Courses materials language
- English
[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title="Business game : business development 2 - Year 3" _id="292003"][kc_column_text _id="629248"]
Modules objectives
- Continuation of Business development 1 (autumn semester)
ECTS Credits
- 1
Lecture courses
- 7 hours
Tutorial hours
- 0 hour
Practical work
- 0 hour
Teaching language
- English
Courses materials language
- English
[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title="International business : operations - Year 3" _id="859140"][kc_column_text _id="747358"]
ECTS Credits
- 4
Lecture courses
- 28 hours
Tutorial hours
- 0 hour
Practical work
- 0 hour
Teaching language
- English
Courses materials language
- English
[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title="Placement - Year 3" _id="82795"][kc_column_text _id="938457"]
Modules objectives
- Sandwich programme. Co-op placed between. February and June
ECTS Credits
- 10
Lecture courses
- 0 hour
Tutorial hours
- 0 hour
Practical work
- 0 hour
Teaching language
- English
Courses materials language
- English
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- extrait:
- lien_externe: