Business Administration & Sales Management (GACO) – Spring semester
Participate in a internal management of an organization : As a management assistant, it is necessary to exploit the results of an information watch in order to make recommendations for the management of the organization. This involves answering the question : What management indicators should be observed to effectively manage the organization ? Critical learning
Business English - Year 1
Modules objectives
Targeted skills
ECTS Credits
Lecture courses
Tutorial hours
Practical work
Teaching language
Courses materials language
Business English - Year 2
Modules objectives
Targeted skills
ECTS Credits
Lecture courses
Tutorial hours
Practical work
Teaching language
Courses materials language
Management Project - Year 2
Modules objectives
Targeted skills
ECTS Credits
Lecture courses
Tutorial hours
Practical work
Teaching language
Courses materials language
- wp_last_modified_info:
- 19 mars 2025 @ 2025-03-19T16:14:17+01:000000001731202503
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[kc_row use_container="yes" _id="351240"][kc_column width="67.28%" _id="613722"][kc_wp_widget data="eyJwYWdlc2lud2lkZ2V0c19wb3N0X3NlY3Rpb24iOnsicG9zdElEIjoiMTEyMDIiLCJ0aXRsZUVuYWJsZSI6ImZhbHNlIiwidGl0bGV0eXBlIjoiaDIiLCJjdXN0b21Dc3NDbGFzcyI6IiIsIm91dHB1dHR5cGUiOiJub3JtYWwiLCJvdXRwdXRjb250ZW50IjoiY29udGVudCIsImltYWdlcG9zaXRpb24iOiJub25lIiwiaW1hZ2VzaXplIjoidGh1bWJuYWlsIiwianBjYy1tZW51LWVkaXRvci1ub25jZSI6IjBlZTNhZDM3ZTMiLCJfd3BfaHR0cF9yZWZlcmVyIjoiL3d3dy93cC1hZG1pbi9wb3N0LW5ldy5waHAiLCJ3aGljaF91c2VycyI6IiIsImNsYXNzZXMiOiIifX0=" _id="978794"][kc_spacing height="20" _id="57824"][kc_accordion _id="636467" close_all="yes"][kc_accordion_tab title="Business English - Year 1" _id="885256"][kc_column_text _id="59183"]
Modules objectives
- The American Business Culture
- The British Business Culture
- Product Creation
- Spatial Orientation & Prepositions
- Logos / SAE included with Company Management Simulation
Targeted skills
- C1-C5 All GACO skills are associated to the English class
- Minimum targeted English Level (end of year) B1
ECTS Credits
- 5
Lecture courses
- 1,5 hour
Tutorial hours
- 18 hours
Practical work
- 10,5 hours
Teaching language
- English (except lecture courses)
Courses materials language
- English
[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title="Business English - Year 2" _id="243735"][kc_column_text _id="303052"]
Modules objectives
- Marketing Mega-Trends (e-commerce, CSR, Accountability, Prosumers and Presumers, Convenience...)
- Graphs & Trends / SAE included with Negotiation
Targeted skills
- C1-C5 All GACO skills are associated to the English class
- Minimum targeted English Level (end of year) B2
ECTS Credits
- 5
Lecture courses
- 1,5 hour
Tutorial hours
- 9 hours
Practical work
- 10,5 hours
Teaching language
- English (except lecture courses)
Courses materials language
- English
[/kc_column_text][/kc_accordion_tab][kc_accordion_tab title="Management Project - Year 2" _id="226513"][kc_column_text _id="240670"]
Modules objectives
Participate in a internal management of an organization :
- Identify key indicators to judge the overall situation of an organization
- Provide a competitive analysis to establish a correct positioning
- Recommend actions to improve the situation
Targeted skills
As a management assistant, it is necessary to exploit the results of an information watch in order to make recommendations for the management of the organization. This involves answering the question : What management indicators should be observed to effectively manage the organization ?
Critical learning
- AC12.05 | Position the organization in its economic environment
- AC12.02 | Identify the legal environment of the organization
- AC12.01 | Characterize the different functions of the organization
- AC12.04 | Identify the fundamental indicators useful for internal management
- AC12.03 | Identify the human stakes of steering the organization
- AC12.06 | Produce relevant information for the management of the organization
- Accounting Fundamentals
- Management Project
ECTS Credits
- 5
Lecture courses
- 1,5 hour
Tutorial hours
- 0 hour
Practical work
- 0 hour
Teaching language
- English (except lecture courses)
Courses materials language
- English
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- extrait:
- lien_externe: