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Computer Science – commun

The Computer Science Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T.) prepares students over three years to become computer scientists who participate in the design, development and implementation of IT solutions that meet the digital transformation needs of organisations. They can become qualified IT technicians and work for digital service companies, software publishers, corporate IT departments (banks, insurance companies, retail sector, industry, e-commerce platforms, etc.) and various administrations.
The training is based on acquiring fundamental knowledge and skills in computer and web development, in system and network administration, and in database and project management. Emphasis is given to written and oral communication, including the English language, and to the importance of group work in order to join a project team.
Computer science graduates are both, technically and methodologically, competent. By successfully completing this programme, their awareness on current issues (data security, cloud computing, artificial intelligence…) will be raised, along with societal, legal, ethical, and environmental issues linked to the use of digital technologies.

28 mars 2023 @ 2023-03-28T14:33:13+02:000000001331202303

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The Computer Science Bachelor of Technology (B.U.T.) prepares students over three years to become computer scientists who participate in the design, development and implementation of IT solutions that meet the digital transformation needs of organisations. They can become qualified IT technicians and work for digital service companies, software publishers, corporate IT departments (banks, insurance companies, retail sector, industry, e-commerce platforms, etc.) and various administrations.
The training is based on acquiring fundamental knowledge and skills in computer and web development, in system and network administration, and in database and project management. Emphasis is given to written and oral communication, including the English language, and to the importance of group work in order to join a project team.
Computer science graduates are both, technically and methodologically, competent. By successfully completing this programme, their awareness on current issues (data security, cloud computing, artificial intelligence…) will be raised, along with societal, legal, ethical, and environmental issues linked to the use of digital technologies.



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