Cities represent the stage for a wide range of human activities including services, government, education, commerce, markets, finance, etc. Today they are the dominant form of living even while the process of urbanization is ongoing.
Cities consist of interacting entities, such as people and infrastructure, and exhibit emergent properties, which appear additionally to the sum of the isolated properties. This makes cities a prime example of complex systems. Accordingly, complexity theories and methods are particularly relevant to their study. Such reasons suggest that as the first step in their study one can focus on what they have in common before paying attention to what distinguishes the individual cities. Common mechanisms represent a key-premise of urban complexity research.
Workshop chairs
Daniela Cialfi
Institute for Complex Systems – National Research Council of Italy
Program committee
Submission Guidelines
– Paper Submission Deadline: April 14, 2024
– Final Decisions Released: April 17, 2024
– Camera-Ready Deadline: April 30, 2024
The submission guidelines valid for the workshop are the same as for the FRCSS conference. They can be found at
For the challenge session, the information will be available soon.