
Welcome to Bordeaux for FRCCS 2025

Types of Contribution

FRCCS accepts contributions 3 types of contributions:
1. Long papers (not previously published work) (12 pages)
2. Short papers (not previously published work) (8 pages)
3. Extended abstracts (about published or unpublished research) (2 to 4 pages).

Submission format

Submission should be written in English and typeset with LaTeX, using the FRCCS Conference Template:
1. Long papers : Overleaf Project       Latex Template
2. Short papersOverleaf Project      Latex Template 
3. Extended abstracts : Extended Abstract Template


All contributions should be submitted electronically online via CMT Microsoft

Reviewing Process

All submitted contributions will be evaluated by at least two reviewers. The organizers will examine the reviews and make the final submission selection.