
Welcome to Bordeaux for FRCCS 2025

Workshop Proposals

FRCCS 2025 invites proposals for workshops on May 22, 2025. We solicit proposals on current and emerging topics in Complex Systems. Workshops allow discussion of novel issues in a small and interactive atmosphere. They can concentrate in-depth on research topics but can also be devoted to application domains, problems. Multidisciplinary workshops that bring together researchers and practitioners from different communities are particularly welcome.


We encourage the submission of proposals for both full-day and half-day sessions.
     • Half-day workshops consist of a 4-hour program with a 30-minute coffee break.
     • Full-day workshops typically run for 7 hours, including two 30-minute breaks for coffee and lunch.


We strongly recommend workshop organizers to aim for diverse and engaging programs. Specifically, when designing your workshop format, consider going beyond the typical format of paper presentations. Workshops provide an opportunity for in-depth exploration of interesting topics through various means such as discussions, demo sessions, invited talks, and panel discussions.

Another way to enhance the workshop experience is by including a specific challenge problem that workshop participants can address in a dedicated challenge session within the workshop program. It’s important to note that the challenge should be just one component of the workshop, focused on a problem relevant to the workshop’s theme or topics

Guidelines for Proposals

Workshop proposals should contain the necessary information to judge the proposed topic’s importance, quality, and community interest.

Submit proposals in a single PDF file between 2 to 4 pages, providing (at least) the following information:

1. Workshop Title
2. Presentation: brief description of the specific issues the workshop will address, why it is of interest, the main research areas involved, and what it will add to the conference.
3. Contact information of the organizers: names, affiliations, and emails, with the mandatory indication of one contact organizer.
4. Expected format of the workshop: Invited talks, oral presentations, poster sessions, panel discussions, challenge sessions, or other ideas for ensuring an interactive atmosphere,
5. Duration: 0.5 or 1 day,
6. An estimate of the number of expected submissions and workshop participants.
7. Number of speakers: Preliminary list of speakers confirmed or pre-contacted are a plus to be indicated in the proposal.
8. Number of expected participants (number of participants at previous editions if applicable)
9. Any special requirements regarding logistics (e.g., poster stands, audio equipment).
10. A draft of the Call for submission eventually

Workshop Important Dates

    • Proposal Deadline: January 12, 2025
    • Proposal Acceptance Notification: January 26, 2025
    • Paper Submission Deadline: March 20, 2025
    • Paper Author Notification: April 17, 2025

Submissions of Proposals

Submissions at:
Select the Track: Workshop Proposal

Workshop Submission System

•The organizers will manage accepted Workshops independently. They are responsible for reviewing proposed papers and working with their attendees.
•The organizers manage the submissions in dedicated tracks of the conference submission system.


• The Workshop contributions will be included in the conference proceeding (with ISBN). Papers authors will have the faculty opt-in or opt-out.
• Selected submissions of unpublished work will be invited for publication in special issues of partner journals.


• Participants must register in the main conference. They can register for the workshop or the entire conference, including workshops. Workshop organizers should provide a list of speakers by April 20, 2025.
• For workshops with more than ten registered contributions, we will waive the registration fee for one organizer or invited speaker of the workshop, allowing them to attend FRCCS 2025 for free.