Graphs, also called networks, are everywhere: social interactions, protein-protein interactions, chemical molecules, transportation networks, are all graphs. Most of these networks are complex either by their size or by the entanglement of the links that compose them, or by both. This makes their analysis very challenging. To address scalability and performance issues when dealing with such networks, numerous algorithms are designed to simplify graphs in various fields and applications. The goal is to construct simpler or smaller representations for these graphs, primarily to save storage space, but also to use the obtained representations instead of the original graphs in applications where using the original graphs is time-intensive or consumes a lot of computational resources. Sparsification is one of these approaches aimed at constructing a subgraph of the original graph by removing non-important edges. The resulting graph is called a skeleton or a backbone. Sparsification generally depends on the application because the importance of an edge can vary from one application to another. The main idea is to obtain a smaller graph while preserving certain properties, even approximately, of the original graph.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers working on the broad theme of simplification of complex networks, and more generally graphs, through sparsification. This workshop aims to provide an opportunity for researchers from different communities to meet and discuss sparsification methods and their applications.
Topics of interest include
· Sparsification methods
· Sparsification of particular networks or graph classes
· Learning-based models and approaches for graph sparsification
· Sparsification of weighted networks
· Applications of sparsified graphs
Workshop chairs
Hamida Seba
University Lyon 1
Hocine Cherifi
University of Burgundy
Program committee
Julien Baste, University Lille 1
Mohammed Haddad University Lyon 1
Olivier Togni, University of Burgundy
Submission Guidelines
– Paper Submission Deadline: April 14, 2024
– Final Decisions Released: April 17, 2024
– Camera-Ready Deadline: April 30, 2024
The submission guidelines valid for the workshop are the same as for the FRCSS conference. They can be found at