Best Presentation Awards

Welcome to Montpellier for FRCCS 2024

Best presentation

Sasha Piccione

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice 

I’m Polite(r) because I think you are. Elucidating the impact of contextual information on the expression of emotions by users of Wikipedia

It rewards the most outstanding presentations of the conference under two categories

The Best Poster Presentation Award

This award is dedicated to poster presenters. It will be selected among all the researchers in the poster sessions.

The Best Oral Presentation Award

This award is provided for the most outstanding oral presentation of the conference

Selection Process

An award committee headed by the Conference Chairs evaluates the presentations according to the below criteria.

Criteria for the Best Oral Presentation Awards

Content of the presentation (45%)
Clarity and flow of the Presentation (20%)
Novelty /contribution to the field (25%)
Timing (10%)

Criteria for the Best Poster Presentation Award

Depth of Content (40%)
Introduction and Abstract (15%)
Content knowledge and organization (20%)
Poster Design and Overall Visual Appeal (10%)
Verbal Interaction (15%)

Award Procedure

The winners will be given their awards during the closing ceremony, held on the last day of the conference.