Job description of Database administrator :
To become a Database Administrator, it’s not necessary to have a level of education Bac +5 (Master). It’s
effectively possible to complete a Master( MIAGE :Méthodes informatiques appliquées à la gestion des
entreprises) or STIC - Ingénierie des systèmes et réseaux informatiques, or to study in “école
d’Ingénieurs”(Engineer School). But it’s also possible to have a Licence pro (A levels+3) Métiers de
l’Informatique with a specialized option in database or take a short educational courses (bac+2/A
levels+2) such as BTS Systèmes Numériques Informatique ou Réseaux or DUT Informatique.
The Data Administrator organizes and manages the company's data management systems. He must ensure its
consistency, quality, and safety. He is also the one who installs, configures, administers and optimizes
databases. He knows how to install and configure a computer system. And perhaps to develop an
application with a specific language.
To carry out his work, the database administrator must be familiar with management software, have
knowledge of network management and computer development. The Data Administrator is a person who
listens, can easily adapt to different missions and anticipate changes.
Most of the job offers for Database Administrators are located in Paris and the Paris region. They can
also be found in large cities such as Toulouse, Lyon, and Bordeaux. Being essential to companies, he can
easily find a position in all sectors and in a company of any size. Knowledge may be required as
knowledge of Linux Operating System and high availability technologies.
Education Program


Having a team spirit

Good at English

Having a good knowledge of computer languages

At the beginning of the career :
3000€ per month
With experience:
6200€ per month
- BAC+2(A levels +2): BTS, DUT Informatique
- Bac+3(A levels +3) : Licence pro métiers de l'informatique(IT) (administration and security of information systems and network or information systems and database management)
- BAC+5(Master level degree): Engineer School or Masters MIAGE or STIC
Company Types
- Companies of all sizes
- Service Provider
Employment areas