Job description of Data analyst :
There are numerous education programs to become a Data Analyst. One can become Data Analyst with a
bac+3(Bachelor), or a Licence Professionnel (A levels+3) Big Data in universities in Aix-Marseille,
Dijon, Grenoble or Paris. It’s also possible to pursue a Master in the fields of IT, Marketing,
Statistics in IT or Master Européen Data mining and Knowledge Management (Lyon 2). Or complete an
education program in a few months in specialized schools for professional retraining.
The Data Analyst is responsible for the management and analyzation of massive data. The Data Analyst has
a developer role who uses technique statistics and IT tools to organize, summarize and translate
information. He will be able to process qualitative and quantitative data in order to summarize relevant
information related to business or marketing issues, so he starts by collecting the raw data. He will
then carry out data structuring work. This is called the lower layers. Then, he will create ways to
graphically visualize the data. He may be required to work with several departments of the company
(marketing, communication, research, and development...).
In order to carry out his missions, the Data Analyst must acquire knowledge about the infrastructures
storing the data that he uses. But above all, he must know how to research and give meaning to very
large volumes of structured or unstructured data. To do so, he must have an excellent knowledge of tools
and computer language, and an excellent level of English. He must also master data analysis techniques
and statistical methodologies. A well-trained Data Analyst is organized, rigorous and possesses good
editing skills and an appropriate analytical mind.
Most of the job offers for Data Analyst are located in the capital and in the Ile-de-France region.
Offers can also be found in major cities such as Lille, Toulouse or Lyon. This new job impacts all of
the industries therefore it’s easy to find a company that proposes this position.
The Data Analyst can evolve to engineer positions Business Intelligence, Data Engineer or Data
Scientist. With experience, he can hold positions in management, such as Chief Data Officer, Master Data
Manager or Data Security Manager.
Education Program


Having a team spirit

Good at English

Having a good knowledge of computer languages

At the beginning of the career :
3000€ per month
With experience:
6200€ per month
- Master Informatique(IT) ; Marketing ; Statistiques en Informatique(Statistical IT) ; European master in datamining and knowledge management (Lyon 2)
- Licence Professionnel(A levels +3) Big Data (Dijon)
- Private education programs
Company Types
- Industrial sectors
- Bank, assurance
- Marketing
- Statistical IT
Employment areas