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Job description of Data scientist :

The most recommended level of study to become a Data Scientist is Bac+5(Master). The courses can be followed in "école d'ingénieur" (engineering schools) such as ENSAE or ISUP (Paris) or Polytech (Lille), or at the University in the fields of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. It is also possible to find specialized training courses in Big Data such as in l'Ensimag(Grenoble) or at the University with, for example, CentraleSupélec.
The Data Scientist job consists of looking for statistical modeling to respond to a problem. To do that, it’s essential to sort then determine relevant data, analyze them and propose theories about the found results. These results will be then presented to the organization to respond to a strategy (most of the time Marketing).
To accomplish his missions, a Data Scientist has to have a high analytical capacity and know some methodologies such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning or even Artificial Intelligence. Then, to present his work, the Data Scientist must be able to demonstrate a spirit of synthesis and excellent knowledge of computer tools such as Java, Perl or C/C++. He is preferable to have basics communication skills. The best Data Scientist will be who is organized, good at English and has a high-stress resistance. Employers especially ask the Data Scientist to have good interpersonal skills and a rigorous precision on techniques.
The data scientist may evolve to a position of Data Project Manager or Senior Data Scientist after a first significant experience.
After 5 years of experience, he can become a Lead data scientist and supervise data scientists, then move on to more senior positions such as Head of a data division or Chief Data Officer Most of the job offers in France for Data Scientists are located in major cities, especially in Paris and Ile-de-France. These profiles are mainly hired by the finance and sales sectors.

Education Program



esprit d'équipe

Having a team spirit

parler anglais

Good at English

html et css

Having a good knowledge of computer languages


At the beginning of the career :
3000€ to 3700€ per month

With experience:
4000€ to 5000€ per month



Company Types


Very Small Companies

Small and Medium Companies

Mid-size Companies

Big Companies

Employment areas
