Céline Rozenblat

Welcome to Le Havre for FRCCS 2023

University of Lausanne Switzerland

Céline Rozenblat is professor of Urban Geography at the Institute of Geography and Sustainability of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland (former Director of the Institute 2018-2022), vice-president of the International Geographical Union (IGU) and member of the Complex Systems Society. She studies systems of cities at European and world scales, multinational firm networks, inter-urban dynamics, comparative urban data, mapping and visualization of networks in geography, and spatial analysis. For several years she has worked on the relations between the evolution of multi-level urban processes and dynamics in city-system networks. To study these topics comparatively, she has built many databases on European and worldwide cities and the networks they form underlying cities’ properties and evolution in a multi-dimensional and long temporal approach. Diachronic and dynamic studies supply materials to develop spatial and dynamic models and visualizations. Former member of the commission of Urban Health & Well-being of the International Science Council, she recently developed in parallel some studies on the planetary urban health and is coordinating an international MOOC on Urban Health Systems.